Thursday, April 28, 2011

Daily Image April 28

  1. The things I see is a photo of three different times in one.
  2. The colors I see is yellow, purple, red, orange, gray, green, white, black, tan, sliver, blue, dark blue, brown, lime green, copper and wheat. The shapes I see is cube, retangles, squares, circles, cilanders and triangles. The lines I see is straight.
  3. The five words I think relate to this photo is calm, frosty, different, busy and abrasive.
  4. The mood this photo create is hope.
  5. I think the meaning of this photo is that the author wanted to show the veiwers the good memories that happed at this place.
  6.  This photo means in rules of composition is actual and implied lines.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Daily Image April 21

1. I see Japan at its worst trying to collect some of their stuff that has meaning to them from a huge disaster.
  2. The colors I see is brown, copper, blue, orange, purpule, white, tan, black, dark blue, and green. The shapes I see is rectangles and triangles. The lines I see is straight and diagonal.
3.The five words that express this photo is sad, depressing, busy, neglected and isolated.
4. The mood this photo gives me is sad, just thinking what would I do if something like this happen to my town.
  5. Japan trying to clean up there big disater.

Daily Image April 26

1.The things I see is an abandon building with old papers and boxes.
2.The colors I see is black, white, and gray. The shapes I see is squares, rectangles, triangles and cilanders. The lines I see is stright.
3.The five expressive words that relates to this photo is dull, calm, mysterious, scary and isolated.
4. The mood this photo gives me is dark and sad.
5.What I think this photo means to me is a person who love newpapers hid them in an abandon building and think any one would find out until now.
6.To me I think the way this photo use rules of composition is actual and implied lines.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Daily Image April 15

1.The things I see is missing pieces from america looking into another world.
  2.The shapes I see is rectangles, squares, and cicrles. The lines I see is stright. The colors I see is blue, tan, brown, white, bage, black, dark blue, orang, and yellow.
3.The five words I think relate to this photo is different, calm, busy,abrasive, and transparent.
   4.That if you dig deep enough you would reach china.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Daily Image April 13

1. I see a thunder storm and a tornado happening at the same time.
  2. The colors I see is purple, peach, white, gray and dark blue. The shape I see is trianagles. The line I see is diagonal.
3. The five expressive words I think relate to this photo is dark, sad, busy, scary, and beautiful.
   4.I think this photo means god was mad and he just gave a warning to let his people know that his  number one.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Mood and Music

Interpreting Mood & Emotion in Music:

Type Answers into this Document as you listen to the videos. When complete, Copy and Paste your answers into a new Blogger Post:

Title Blog Post: Emotions & Mood in Music

1.    What is the mood of the 1st video?
The mood of the 1st video is old fashion but happy and delightful. 

2.    What is the mood of the 2nd video?
The mood of the 2nd video is frightful, scary my making the clip look dark.
Song #1: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.
Makes you want to dance, groupie love, crazy, good times, joyful, happy, concert like, vibrant, pumped-up, edgy.

Song #2: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.
Awkward, stiff, rock and roll, depressed, dark, upset, dark, busy.

Song #3: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.
Country like, relaxed, clam, soft, makes you want to cry, inspirational, makes you snap you fingers, romantic, mellow, sad.

Song #4: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.
Busy, crazy, fed up, angry, emotional, depressing, sad, stressful, energetic, wired.

Song #5: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.
Drunk, blues, normal, dull, weak, calm, bugged out.

Daily Image April 7

1.The things I see is the forest with all the seasons in it.
  2.The colors I see is green, copper, white and brown. Theirs no shapes in this photo.The lines are stright and diagonal.
3. The five expressive word is earthy, frosty, calm, transparent and isolated
  4.This photo means seasonal love.
5.I would say this photo is the rule of 3rds for rules of composition.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Emotions & Moods

1. Andy Long said that creating a mood in photography is all about the feeling of being there.
  2. A common element that can add a mood to a photo is fog.
3. The reason why storm clouds add mood is because the effect is enhanced if the storm is on the opposite horizon from the sun. The type of mood storm clouds convey is a strong foreground subject.
 4.The kind of effect running water can have is a long exposure is usually used in order to creat the silky smooth flow of the water.
5. The reason why so many different people can find many different moods in a photo because a feeling of mood in one person might noy work that way in another.
  6. Adding emoion makes a great photo becauseit helps a viewer connect with a piece is that emotion is prevalent in the viewer.

Daily Image April 5

1. I see Japanese people hurt with lots of broken down buildings, cars, trees and lots of trash.
  2. The colors I see is green, red, brown, copper, gray, sliver, black, peach, and pink. The shapes I see is rectangles, squares, and triangles. The lines I see is striaght and diagonal lines.
3. The five words I think relate to this photo is sad, depressing, hurt, isolated, and messy.
  4. The meaning of this photo is the tsunami that happened in Japan like 3weeks ago.
5.The rules of composition that best describe this photo is simplicity because it has a clan focus on its points of intrest.